The continue rising of the global warming concerns take a big aim at every sections of business especially the fashion industry. Everybody has to adapt themselves and transform their businesses towards sustainability which consequently will help our world by having less effects to the environment. Leather business is among the top targets of environmental concerns, hence, we realized and put a significant afford to gear towards a transformation to become environmental friendly and sustainable business as known as "go green". All chemical companies who supplies tanneries with essential chemicals in tanning processes also have been transforming themselves by supplying more environmental friendly chemical products. The leather businesses, like mentioned in the article prior, that actually supports sustainability as we use by-product from food industry. Instead of wasting the leather, we make a good use of them and normally, the leather will stay with you for around 5-30 years. Moreover, to emphasize on what kind of transformations we have been implementing to our tanneries because we care about this world we live in as much as everyone else. First of all, we use a top-quality chemical products for our tanning processes, our criteria is that their products have to reach Leather Working Group certificate. Second of all our factory location is in an industrial zone where the strict rules on waste management and water treatment are implemented, especially to all tanneries. Furthermore, our cow suede leathers have reached EU standards and RSL test reports. Finally, we are trying to develop our leathers to be free chrome-tanned in the near future.
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If you try searching a playlist of Elvis Presley, it’s a guarantee that you will find “Blue Suede Shoes” up there on the list of his all-time greatest hits with no doubts. “Blue Suede Shoes” was recorded in 1956 and was used as an open song of the album “The King”, from the king of Rock ‘n Roll himself. Additionally, “Blue Suede Shoes” has influenced a fashion industry of the whole America at the time as “Blue Suede Shoes” has been classified as an elegantly stylish shoes that has been widely worn when going out at night for people in the Southern part of America. However, “Blue Suede Shoes” was composed and sung by Carl Perkins in 1955 and was released publicly in 1956 and swiftly became a top hit on the chart, with various sources of influences to the lyric of the song, like, Johnny Cash, the one who told a story of a black army named CV. White whom he met while serving in a military in Germany, at that time White calls his army shoes “Blue Suede Shoes” and he wouldn’t let anyone dirty up his shoes ever and, moreover, Cash suggested Perkins to compose a song about shoes as well. In another version of this song, it tells a story about a dance where Perkins noticed that there were one couple who was dancing close to the stage and then he heard the man shouted to his lady partner “Don’t step on my suede shoes” but it was too late, when she looked down, the “Blue Suede Shoes” of that boy were already been stepped on. Perkins felts it was hilarious that the boy cared more about his shoes than his beautiful lady he was dancing with right in front of him and that, lady and gentlemen, was a beginning of this song. And in the peak of his life and career, Perkins got into a car accident on the way to film a TV show, tragically, he passed away in that accident, Elvis Presley, at that time, knew Perkins well, so he took that song and re-sang in a different version and it went widely famous. In addition, “Blue Suede Shoes” were remade in numerous versions and this song was listed as top 500 most influenced songs of Rock ‘n Roll of all time. When mentioning about Suede leather, perhaps, many don't know that this word has its origin from the French word "gants de Suede" which means gloves from Sweden. This phrase was used to describe imported gloves from Sweden which had an incredibly soft, velvety texture. From this origin, any type of leathers which have a napped finish characteristic have been called "Suede" regardless of what kind of animal the hide is from, like Sheep skin suede, pig skin suede or reknown cow hide Suede all of these mentioned shares the same characteristic, a soft, fine, flexible and lightest weight of all type of leather.
In the 20th century, Suede leather has been put on the lime light once again. From its refined, delicate , luxurious look, Suede leathers are worn to show social status of the wearers. Numerous fashion designers from Paquin, Givenchy as well as Hermes started using Suede leathers in their fashion show widely. It's undeniable that Suede leather receive attention from the mass in a fashion industry because of the influence from the song of Elvis Presley, the king of Rock n' Roll, "Blue Suede Shoes" which was listed as the opening track in Elvis Presley's album. You may wonder what is history behind this song, am I right? I'll tell you in the next post. Later! It is just like everything else, you get what you paid for, meaning that higher price leathers are much better in quality than the cheaper ones, it really depends on a quality, type and the cost of raw hides which the best quality one being Aniline leathers, it has the highest price as well as the highest quality , and believe it or not, the price of this kind of leather is determined by how natural looking they are, in other words, all unique markings from our mother nature will make one particular hide cost more than the others. After all, Aniline leathers are quite rare, as only 3% of a raw hide can be used to make Aniline leather. On the other hand, very surprisingly, the leathers which look "perfect" in people's eyes are somehow the cheapest kinds of leathers since it requires much more processes to be done with and they'll become less and less natural as the numbers of processes being applied.
Raw hides from Europe is the most expensive ones in the world, this is due to the fact that their cattle are cleaner. They are raised in a small herd with better protection and there are usually no barb wires and branding. Moreover, during the winter time, they're usually housed in a barn and are regularly cleaned. Conversely, Australian cattle are raised in a tougher terrain and climate, they're frequently raised in a bigger herds thus having more chance of having their skins damaged by numerous factors. Hence, the hides from Australia are often lower in price as they're tougher with more damages on them. They're usually used for cheaper and lower grade of leather products. In our factory, Thai Tanning, we can produce every type of leather as you desire. A budget price or an expensive one, we can do all! Contact us now! ![]() Now a day, there's a large number of fake leather production around the globe, it comes from a reason that they're cheaper to produce, easy to shape into desirable product and the fake leather product can be put into a mass production causing a good economy of scale. As they're not genuine , another word, they're man made, so they're no flaws on the product themselves visible. The real genuine leathers on the other hand, present natural scratches and wrinkles and even trained eyes of leather experts can still not be able to distinguish between the real and fake ones sometimes. However, the real ones are still real and display some natural characteristic which can't be 100% replicated. Today, we will have a look at 5 ways to tell if the leather is real or fake. 1. If there is no tag on that product which says real leather, just assume that it is non-genuine leather. When wishing to buy leather product simply look for a tag that says real leather, genuine leather, top/full grain leather or just plainly ask the seller if it's a real one since in one shop , they might have both real and fake leather on sale and even in some products , they can have both fake and genuine leather in one piece. Hence, it is crucial to make sure before purchasing. 2. Leather edge aren't clean / perfectly cut Take a look at the edge of that leather product, you can see in some part which isn't colored yet, that part, you will find some tiny hair sticking out which is an inner layer part of leather, if it seems to perfect or the cut is too clean , we can assume that it is likely to be non-genuine ones. However, now a day even from real leather the coloring techniques are much more in details, which makes it quite difficult to observe. 3. Natural looking leather Like human skin, each person has different skin, some are finer than the others, likewise, animal are no different, even hides which comes from an exact same corpse but different part of the body the texture and hardness are still different. Therefore, if you see that all the leather displays too much equilibrium, you can assume that it's likely to be fake. 4. Flexibility of the real leather The real cowhide will have a natural flexibility, if try pressing and it will be pushed down a little with some feeling of flexible texture and it is able to bounce back , if this thing doesn't happen when you try pushing down with your finger, it's perhaps not a real one. 5. Burning test Real gold aren't afraid of fire , so do real leather, when you burn fake leathers immediately you will smell something like a burnt plastic which is certainly different from genuine hide, and you can guess If you seek for real good quality leathers, look no further, our factory has been producing and serving numerous lovely customers all around the globe. Let us provide you an exact customization that you need > Click here to contact us now! After the devastating COVID-19 crisis starting to fade away and there is no more new domestic cases of Corona virus patient for numerous weeks, the curfew's finally been lifted off and people will have to start readjusting themselves again from new habit of staying home during the quarantine when we had to stay home more, doing less outdoor activities as well as paying much more attention to hygiene and trying to stay healthy. It's finally time to come back to new standard aka New Normal in which everyone has to alter their ways of life to fit up-to-date situations more appropriately in order to keep out of being infected along with restoring economic aspect when everybody has to adapt new habit and get use to new lifestyle. I'm talking about foods, clothing, hygiene, education, communication and ways to conduct businesses. In the end all these new adaptations will eventually become a new standard of life for people in the society. This new transition will affect how people behave in term of product consumption and interests, the obvious part is, people will have much more interests in the hygiene related and disease protection related products eg. masks , alcohol gel, disinfectant solutions or even more interests in household products like kitchenwares, furniture, home appliances, home decors as well as small plants for house decorations as from the fact that everyone stayed home for a long time, therefore, they have had a chance to have much more activities at home. That leads to the reason why today, we'd like to present you these fantastic leather craft ideas to fit with this New Normal era. These stuff are simple to do by yourself with ease or even can turn into your new business for more earning during this difficult time. 1. Leather face mask If you're starting to get bored with the same old type of masks , the leather ones are great trendy choice for a New Normal, a thin, soft layer of various types leather are perfect to wear as a mask. Plus, you can can it with no hassle, just wipe it with either alcohol or water and you can punch some holes for better air flow. 2. Leather Alcohol gel hanging pockets. Undisputedly, alcohol gel is the must have item of this pandemic, for someone who has to go outside to do something, they can reduce a huge risk of being infected by washing your hands often, having a alcohol gel by your side gives you a chance to disinfect your hand whenever needed. Because any touch on any object creates some risk, so have one small tube to guarantee you a good protection. Generally, this alcohol get package that are on sale always come in plastic with striking colors which normally don’t match to your elegant leather bags , therefore, a couple leather alcohol gel pockets are a great idea to match them up for the ones who love the classiness of leathers. 3. Leather Shopping Bags In the recent years, we’ve witness numerous campaigns on reducing plastic consumption in order to save our environment. All the supermarkets stop giving out free plastic bags and many Thai people turn to reusable plastic bags or fabric bags, but however, some fashionistas out there may like to own something different. A leather bag is one fantastic choice! This new alternative will allow you to enjoy shopping even more! The design of this leather bag will be a tote style bag, or in Japan, there is a Japanese tote bag that look like a long side of handle to tie up with another side to prevent stuff to fall out. 4. Leather slippers After many people started to like staying at home or do some home activities more and an in house slippers are becoming more trendy because they will prevent your feet to directly touch the ground prevent foot thicken and crack. If you have to walk inside your home often, a soft pair of slippers are just perfect for your feet and also reflex your classy lifestyle. 5. Handkerchief ring In the New Normal standard when everyone has to come back to have dinner at home more than ever, a beautiful looking table is one important factor to help building up an atmosphere of the dinner table to allow you to enjoy your meal much better. A handkerchief rings will definitely help decorating your same old cloth to be more interesting and more importantly, you can reuse them as long as they will last. Generally, you may not usually see this item on a family’s dinner table, but believe me, having them on your table will make everything seems miraculously special. For someone who is interested in these leather DIY, in the next article, we’ll come with even more ideas as well as examples of how to make them. Stay tune!
1. Be careful! Don’t let suede leather touches water or other liquid. ![]() Water, oil, liquid, or other types of stain is one of the biggest enemies of suede leather because , normally, suede leather is made from inner layer of animal skin and in the manufacturing process, there is no wax-coating method to shield leather surface from moisture and water, since this process will get rid of the most important characteristic of suede leather which is the soft touch. Hence, first way to protect your soft velvety suede leathers is to get them away from water and other types of liquid. What if you accidentally drop some on them? No worries, take a look at Number 4 below. 2. Avoid using them in rainy days.![]() There is a saying that Thailand has 8 months of rain and 4 months of strong sun, well, I mean, it is sunny all time when it’s not raining basically, however, before leaving home and you’re not driving your personal car, when there is a chance that it might rain that day, we suggest you to not bring them. For your beloved shoes and bags,It’s always better to be preventive than to solve complexity, right? 3. Spraying some water resistant agents.![]() Spraying some water resistant product on your suede leather is another great choice before beginning to use suede leather products. This will strongly prevent moisture or water to be absorbed Into the leather as well as keeping surfaces nice, soft and even. You can easily find this type of spray in any leather store or even online shop, the price would be around 200-300 THB, I’d say it’s worth it and after sometimes of usage, you should re-spray again to keep the leather properly coated. 4. I dropped some water on the leather, what do I do now?![]() Sometimes when we put on our shoes or using our leather bags, accident happens and it is always unexpected, like, water spill for example, the best preliminary method is to shake it off real quickly. Do not rub or crush, or else the water will be sucked into leather quicker. Therefore, brushing or shaking it off is the best way to reduce any damage that could happen. When it is wiped or shaken off leave it dry. Sometimes you won’t even see any stains at all this is due to the fact that suede leather can resist water for a brief period of time without any damage. Though, this is all depending on the manufacturing process of that particular leather. 5. What do to with mud stains on suede leather shoes or bags?![]() First thing first, never wash it! It may damage the bag or shoe structure and it will be very difficult to fix. Firstly, follow step 4 before and then after ward you cab brush off stains gently in case of some mild stains, simply use something like tooth brushe, sponge which you can easily find them at any store. This would sure help you get rid of those stains and smudges as well as rebalancing color tone to come back evenly. If in the case of heavy stain, please wait for a mud to dry off and then use special made brushes for suede leather or ETP brush (harder brush than tooth brushes) lightly scrub off stains and if there is something left still, lightly dip a towel into water or vinegar and wipe that area and then gently brush it off to lighten that stain. 6. Be careful about using generic kind of stain remover products Using those general stain remover agents which are produced for not only suede leather cleaning, not only it won't work, it may increase more stain by spreading them all over as well as can potentially damage suede leather products. It will be even more difficult to fix it. There are products which are made specially for cleaning suede leather, you can simply use and follow the instruction on products' label. 7. What if there is big mess on my leather? You should definitely bring your bags or shoes to a leather specialist to check what they can assist you with, for instance, a shoe spa, it may cost more but these people are highly experienced and fully equipped with proper tools to prevent further damages. You see, if we're correctly advised about how to take a good care of our beloved suede leathers, they will stay with us for a long, long time. Even though, taking care of suede leathers isn't as easy as taking care of plastic bags or fake leathers, real leathers will truly show your fabulous taste and support your character as well as showing how tidy and classy you are when it comes to how delicately and prudently you take care of your belongings.
Next article is coming up! We will tell you how to properly keep suede leather products so that you conserve their beauty for you for a long period of time. As from what I’ve mentioned before that Suede leathers are made from inner layer skin of animal hide or as what people in the leather industry call Split leather which has a different characteristic from outer layer skin of animal hide, I suggest those who don’t have much experience in buying suede leather to read and study carefully before making a purchase. Anyway, all the finished leathers are natural products, they can't be as perfect as the manufacture products. 1. Tearing in As from we know that Split Suede Leather is the inner layer part of animal hide thus there is no outer layer to strengthen resistance like in the case of Full grain, therefore, the risk of being ripped in is higher even when the thickness of suede is as high as 0.8-2.2 mm. as well as the chance of being decayed and this could be a result from improper process of suede creation or it could be that the producers are inexperience. Then, before utilizing suede as a material for your finish products, the thorough check on tear in holes should be performed before hand, it is as simple as using your hand to stretch or pull to find out so you won’t get a beautiful looking suede leather but incapable of being put in used. 2. Faded color Normally, the process of suede manufacturing will involve with color dying and spraying for desired color and in a normal process, chemical coating at the end will not be used as we would like to keep suede leather touching smooth and natural, so, the chance of color fading in suede leather, especially, the one with dark color could occur and we should pay close attention to this matter. Hence, before deciding to purchase any suede leather, a check on how well the color sticks is highly suggested to be performed, this isn’t a difficult task though, since you can simply rub white paper onto the leather and observe how much color taint the white paper or you can request a lab test result to guarantee how well the color sticks to that lot of hide first. Anyhow, the color of suede will likely to be faded naturally but we can choose the acceptable level of fading as from your standard. |
Generally, suede leathers are being used like other type of leathers, for example, they're used for being parts of various kind of products like bags, shoes, sofas, clothes, gloves, curtains etc. Moreover, suede leathers are used as inner support part of some leather products as well, mostly in high quality, |
lavish, brand-name hand bags to create a nice, delicate, opulent touch to your hand more than other cheaper options which they might consider using fabric instead of suede.
Now, I guess you all know some more about suede leather and its nature already, if you have any questions in mind, any doubts or just simply curious to know more about suede leather, feel free to contact us in any channels that you're convenient with. In the next article, we will explain you how to properly take care of suede leather to make it lasts, stay tune!
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Leather products are, in fact, promoting sustainability.

The discussions on various topics of global warming, climate change as well as sustainability have been widely put on the table in countless meeting rooms in both government sections and private ones. As a massive amount of awareness regarding this particular topic has been implanting on a global population for over a decade, there’re new studies and researches that come out every day stating facts and assumptions on how some kind of industries have a slight to huge effect on contributing to global warming. Countless of time, global warming has generally been linked to sustainability in which many ways has been tied to eco-friendly or “Go-green” aspects which is quite understandable, since eco-friendly and Go-green concept heavily represents the promotion of providing balance and stability to the whole eco system as well as promoting enlargement of numbers of plants who hold a leading role in a whole ecosystem. All this facts that have been studied, researched and announced to the mass aren’t wrong, but, however, there are some misconceptions and unfair demonization on some type of industries, who all of the sudden, have been given a bad name, and in this case, in particularly, is the leather industry.
The inevitable connections between Go-green, sustainable, eco-friendly, nature loving or even veganism and climate change and global warming occur and have been portrayed to the eyes of public for years. The effect of this idea is also displayed gradually among related businesses. There is no argument that all the studies and researches are incorrect, but, as we all know, there will always be the bright side of the darkness and conversely bright side of the bright side of the dark one, like Yin and Yang.
The leather industry is up there on the top of a list of business which is to blame regarding to this topic discussion. Frequently demonized by the media, leather business has always a bad image of being part of destroying our beautiful Earth. But, when one can stop listening to some one-sided biases for a little bit, open their hearts a little more as well as getting into logical discussion, it will be found that, in fact, leather products, DO massively contribute to sustainability, help reducing countless metric ton amount of waste as well as help saving lives of trees! Yes, it is true. These are not made-up facts; here are reasons and some aspects which may surprise you greatly.
Firstly, leather products promote sustainability, the unknown facts that are hidden by media and so-called “Eco-friendly” and “Green” companies who are just willing to sell their products. The point about leather products promoting sustainability is that leather products last longer in term of product life and in a sense of fashion, they are classics, you can use them much more often for a longer period of time, and moreover, in the sense of utility, especially in the winter time in colder climate, they can perform a better task of heat protection because after all, they’re products of nature. A true product of nature since prehistoric era up until a very moment.
Logically speaking, leather products are just by-products from one of the fastest growing industry in the world, meat industry. Imagine, world’s populations are increasing every day, food and meat consumptions are also shooting up sharply since meat consumption indicates wealth and abundance, people are consuming meat more and more every day, and to be honest, there is no promotion on meat consumption here, but realistically, we can’t stop and change people mind all of the sudden to stop eating meat, and since people still continue to consume more and more meat now, what will be left as a huge amount of waste? Certainly, all those hide! Isn’t it quite odd that we’ve all been told to reduce waste and recycle but in contrary we’ve also been told to demonized leather products?
That leads to a second point, waste reduction, Instead of having to get rid of those wastes and cause more pollutions, cost and energy to do so, why not recycling them and reuse them again? Eurofins BLC stated that 93% value of the whole cow is meat; hide of that cow will hold the monetary value of 7%, so basically, if the cow costs $100, its hide would cost just $7 and if there is nobody offers to buy that hide, they will likely have to throw it away to waste. In fact, if you’ve had a chance to visit one of museums which exhibits life of our ancestors or human in the past, they’ve been using up almost every waste from a death of one cow, buffalo or horse as tools, medicines, oil, or clothing and apparels since as far as we can study back into the days, consequently, by using leather products, you can significantly help using up and leaving less waste to this precious world of ours.
Last point of all, before believing in one-sided advertisement about using recycle synthetic fibers or bamboo fibers of being “greener” than using leather products, please reconsider the matter of production process, as from a survey from graduate student from NCSU and SKEMA , it is found that people focus almost solely on a consideration of materials used in manufacture rather than a production process itself, in other word, just looking at the materials of one particular products aren’t enough, the process of making that products may create harmful substance discharge or indirectly, unknowingly bothering the nature we wanted to protect in the first place, like chemical discharge coming out of manufacturing process or even natural resources we have to cut down more just for the sake of “Go-green” products isn’t that much better than leather products after all since leathers are also bio-degradable as well.
In summary, the point we’d like to make is that leather products are, in fact, truly sustainable and shouldn’t be blamed and demonized just by considering its name and its’ relation to meat and livestock industry, but in contrary, it’s an industry that truly help recycle by-products and reduce colossal amount of waste we have to throw away thus helping us to make the world cleaner with long-lasting, natural, bio-degradable products like leather.
Ken Kijja, - Digital Marketing Manager, TTN
Master in International Business Management and Web Marketing, University of Padova, Italy
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5 Awesome Leather Crafting Ideas For A New Normal Era
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Suede Leather
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