Now a day, there's a large number of fake leather production around the globe, it comes from a reason that they're cheaper to produce, easy to shape into desirable product and the fake leather product can be put into a mass production causing a good economy of scale. As they're not genuine , another word, they're man made, so they're no flaws on the product themselves visible. The real genuine leathers on the other hand, present natural scratches and wrinkles and even trained eyes of leather experts can still not be able to distinguish between the real and fake ones sometimes. However, the real ones are still real and display some natural characteristic which can't be 100% replicated. Today, we will have a look at 5 ways to tell if the leather is real or fake. 1. If there is no tag on that product which says real leather, just assume that it is non-genuine leather. When wishing to buy leather product simply look for a tag that says real leather, genuine leather, top/full grain leather or just plainly ask the seller if it's a real one since in one shop , they might have both real and fake leather on sale and even in some products , they can have both fake and genuine leather in one piece. Hence, it is crucial to make sure before purchasing. 2. Leather edge aren't clean / perfectly cut Take a look at the edge of that leather product, you can see in some part which isn't colored yet, that part, you will find some tiny hair sticking out which is an inner layer part of leather, if it seems to perfect or the cut is too clean , we can assume that it is likely to be non-genuine ones. However, now a day even from real leather the coloring techniques are much more in details, which makes it quite difficult to observe. 3. Natural looking leather Like human skin, each person has different skin, some are finer than the others, likewise, animal are no different, even hides which comes from an exact same corpse but different part of the body the texture and hardness are still different. Therefore, if you see that all the leather displays too much equilibrium, you can assume that it's likely to be fake. 4. Flexibility of the real leather The real cowhide will have a natural flexibility, if try pressing and it will be pushed down a little with some feeling of flexible texture and it is able to bounce back , if this thing doesn't happen when you try pushing down with your finger, it's perhaps not a real one. 5. Burning test Real gold aren't afraid of fire , so do real leather, when you burn fake leathers immediately you will smell something like a burnt plastic which is certainly different from genuine hide, and you can guess If you seek for real good quality leathers, look no further, our factory has been producing and serving numerous lovely customers all around the globe. Let us provide you an exact customization that you need > Click here to contact us now!
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AuthorKen Kijja, - Digital Marketing Manager, TTN Archives
March 2022